Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Getting close

9 days to go.....the weight of work and home lists is heavy but the excitement is building. Look what I found from our Bali trip last year:

Soon it will be Nerds on Tour again!


  1. looking forward to the first travel instalment...go team willis!

  2. oh i see my account is under my formal name (that would be Rachel from Nelson)

    1. dear Rachel from Nelson, great to hear from you - thanks for the message and look forward to hearing about the Totaranui larks xx

  3. Looking forward to reading instalments
    Harvey I'm looking forward to some of your creative writing.....
    Amelia and Zoe photos of all fashion purchases please...,
    We will miss the Willis clan at school this term..,, but we wish you the adventure of a lifetime..,
    Luv Paula Catton ��

    1. Thanks Paula, kids are very excited to hear you have left a message - Amelia says can you tell Mr Paxie! - we have limited the fashion purchases so far, although the girls loved Accessorize (an old favourite of mine!). Hope Term 4 is going well. Zoe keeps asking 'what would my friends be doing now?' xx
